Ted Talk: Anthony Ayala
- 1950s - 1st ever organ transplant (kidney)
- number of people needing transplants doubled as time progressed but number of organs available remained the same. This is due to longer human lifespan.
- Every 30 secs, a patient dies from diseases that could be treated with tissue transplant.
- Bone regenerates every 10 years. Skin regenerates every 2 weeks.
- Body's first reaction to injury is to seal away injury (organs, skin, etc). Scar tissue.
- Materials can be used as bridge to regenerate tissue.
- Max amount body can regenerate is 1cm.
- Injured patient -> take small part of tissue -> tease tissue and cells out (separating) -> grow in large quantity. Use scaffold to bring cells into body to regenerate new tissue. Once tissue regenerates, scaffold disintegrates.
- Engineered organs (muscle, blood vessel) using scaffold must be exercised for use in human body.
- Can use printer to print organs. Cells instead of ink.
- Can use decellularized organ. Take donated organ, strip the cells, take cells and put it on the "skeleton" of cell. Use to create functional organ.
- 90% people waiting for organs are waiting for kidneys.
- Your own cells will not be rejected from the body.
- Stem cells